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Articles for Teachers

Tips For Those Who Want To Teach English Overseas
By:Craig Desorcy

The opportunity to teach English overseas can be a wonderful experience. Overseas work gives you the chance to see other countries and experience other cultures. Before you make a commitment to teach or work overseas, make sure you are fully informed about the country you’ll be working in, requirements for foreigners working in the country, and the documents you’ll need.

You should learn all you can about the country you’ll be living in. Learning about a country’s history, culture, people, and customs will make your stay there more meaningful and interesting. Remember that even though you may teach English overseas, learning the native language of the country will make the transition to your new life easier. The United States Dept. of State provides many sources of information about almost every country in the world. Using the free resources available to you will make your stay more enjoyable and help you prepare accordingly. Overseas work is an excellent opportunity for those who are prepared.

Overseas work can provide you with memories that last a lifetime. Make sure you know the requirements of your host country for immunizations, work permits, and visas. You will need a valid passport before you begin your search for a position to teach overseas and you will need to maintain your passport for the entire time you are abroad. Also make sure you are aware of the tax and social security issues regarding Americans who work overseas. Your time spent teaching or working abroad can be one of the most fulfilling experiences you will ever have.

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written by Craig Desorcy at www.teaching-in-japan.com
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