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TEFLing As a Single Parent
By:Sharon De Hinojosa

First things first, you'll have to talk to your child about the move. In general, it's easier for younger children to adjust and older ones might rebel. Teaching as a single parent abroad is similar to living in your home country as a single parent. You will have the same worries abroad as you do at home. Though in some countries, divorce or separation is frowned upon, so do a bit of research about the country you will be living in to find out more about their opinions. And larger cities are usually more accepting than small town.

Hours and pay will probably be main concerns, as will your child's education. Obviously, you want to be at home with your child as much as possible, so look for schools or institutes that offer parent-friendly hours. Since you have a child, you probably have some informal teaching experience, so try to negotiate for higher pay if possible, and see what your employer can do about housing. If you qualify, international schools might be your best bet.

Schools vary from country to country. See what you can afford on your budget and be sure to visit the school beforehand to see if it's suitable for your child. Home schooling might be an option. Try Mothering to find out more about programmes. Cyber schools, such as Connections Academy, are becoming popular as well.

You'll also have to ask about visas and insurance as well. Visas are usually pretty easy to get once you have a legal working visa. Some schools offer to pay for part or all of you and your family member's insurance. Be sure to get something in writing if they promise to help you with this.

Other than that, you should be fine. Lots of single parents successfully teach English abroad. Just be sure to do a bit of research before you go and enjoy your life in another country. And think about all the exposure to different cultures that your child will get.

Sharon de Hinojosa (naturegirl321) has lived and worked (mainly teaching English) in the US, Scotland, Spain, the Czech Republic, China, Korea, and Peru. As well as teaching short-term in Venezuela and Taiwan.

She has created The LA Job List http://www.thelajoblist.blogspot.com which lists schools, institutes and universities in 19 Latin American countries which offer English teaching positions.

Since living in Peru since August 2006, she wrote The Ultimate Peru List http://www.theultimateperulist.blogspot.com - With 60 pages it's a comprehensive guide for those living in or moving to Peru.

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