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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

Articles for Teachers

Fight the Power, Fight Mediocrity - How to Get Rid of Bad Teachers
By:Otto Kreistler

One of the best memories of high school or college would definitely be the great teachers we had. And our teachers were all great in their own way-some of them just said all the right things to make us laugh on dreary days, others were just geniuses that awed us with their knowledge and inspired us to do better, and others were just our best friends in our most trying times. Truly these kinds of people are what made of days at school worth all the headaches and more.

But then again there were those not-so-great teachers that were completely ineffective at what the did. Some of them were absolutely ineffective mentors, others were extremely biased in their grading, and the worst of them all abused their powers. And when you're trapped inside a classroom with a bad teacher there are only so many things that you can do. But all is not lost! Here are a few things you can do to get rid of that bad teacher of yours:

l File A Complaint: Most likely, if a teacher is as bad as you paint him to be, then this experience will be shared by many other members of the student body. So it would be best to use the powers that are available to you and to file a complaint against this teacher. Ask your classmates to help you out with this if you can so you can get an unbiased report of why your teacher is failing at what he does.
l Make A Petition: Because all of you are suffering due to the lackluster education you are receiving then it would be best to make it known. List all your grievances and sign the petition all together. This is the perfect accompaniment to a formal complaint. The sheer numbers should be enough to convince the admin that action should be taken.
l Boycott Classes: If things have reached a fevered pitch then the perfect symbol of your united front against this teacher would definitely be a boycott of his or her classes. Beware though that boycotting a teacher's class could make your grades suffer.

These are just a few of the simple steps that can be taken so that the school's local tormentor can get dispatched effectively. You wouldn't want to look back on your school days with regret. If you want more tips on how to get rid of an awful educator, just visit: http://www.howtogetridofstuff.com/people/how-to-get-rid-of-a-bad-teacher/

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