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Articles for Teachers

Can You Survive on a Teacher's Salary?
By:Adam Waxler

Is it possible to teach these days and still support a family?

Unfortunately, the answer is no.

These days, especially with the economy the way it is, it is nearly impossible to survive on a teacher's salary. The cost of everything has gone up (gas, groceries, taxes etc.), yet teacher salaries have not nearly kept up the same pace. In fact, many school districts around the country are either freezing teacher salaries or even cutting teacher salaries.

Sure, if you live on your own and have no kids then yes, maybe, you can survive on a teacher's salary. However, if you have a family then either you or your spouse has to work a second job.

Most every teacher I know works more than one job. Some teachers work nights in restaurants, some teachers work weekends landscaping, some have started their own online business (like myself), but the most common, and possibly the easiest way for teachers to earn extra money, is by tutoring.

Tutoring is great way for teachers to earn extra money. Most tutors simply put an add in their local paper or advertise at their local school and then go to their client's house or have their client come to their home.

However, these days, with all the technology available, online tutoring jobs have become quite popular. Online tutoring jobs open up many more possibilities for both the student and the tutor. Online tutoring jobs provide tutors much more flexibility about when and where they can work. The best part is, by using today's technology, online tutors can really motivate and inspire their students to learn. Not only that, but online tutors have a much greater reach than their local area and therefore can turn their tutoring business from earning a little extra cash into a real income producer.

In the end, online tutoring is a win-win-win situation. Everyone benefits...the parents, the tutor, and most importantly, the student.

Is Your Teacher Salary Too Low? Try Online Tutoring Jobs!

To download your free copy of "How To Start Your Own eTutoring Business" simply visit: http://www.TeachingTipsMachine.com/online_tutoring_jobs.htm

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