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Articles for Teachers

Bad Studying Habits - Study Your Bad Habits While Studying!
By:Abhishek Agarwal

You have to really put lot of effort to get the best grades in your high school or college. Unless you are among a few fortunate ones who are naturally gifted, you need to put little effort to get the point average to continue in academic career. Remember, even though you are gifted, your scores can be badly hit with your bad habits.

Not studying at all is the worst bad habit of study. Some plan to go through the school without even opening a book. Most people require to study.

Even after taking admission, some do not attend the classes. This is a bad habit. The information or knowledge given by the teacher or professor might not be there in any literature. For this you have to attend the class. No doubt you can get it from a friend who attended the class but it's not the same thing as hearing it yourself.

Some students go to the class unprepared. Some do not purchase the proper text or lab material. They try to manage by sharing or looking on work of somebody else . This is also a bad habit as it will not give the first hand experience that they would if they have their own literature and material.

You can purchase proper text and lab material, but if you don't have the exact equipment and supplies to go with it you are bound to suffer. If you are in a habit to attend the class and do not take paper, pen, pencil, or a laptop computer if required, you can not do work.

Some physical bad habits also make studying harder. Studying on an empty stomach is like trying to drive a vehicle without petrol-it does not work well. Studying without sleep is futile. And studying when there is a hangover is quite disturbing.

Many students attend the class with a hope to be entertained. This is quite logical as many professors have a good sense of humor. Nevertheless, serious learning should also be done. If you do not take notes, then be ware you are getting into bad habits. You must read the assignment before hand and do some home work otherwise you will be badly prepared.

Mugging up for test is a done thing. But in case you want to remember the material by the end of the term, then it a bad habit to begin. Studying regularly might be useful to understand the subject that is being set into your brain. This will also help you to absorb it in a way that you will remember it in the long run.

In case you are an inspired student, you're bad habits may be infertile at least in short run. You may stray in your research. You may find subjects interesting, but other information may be of more interest to you. Before you realize you have wasted hours on the internet looking for something you do not require for your school work at all. It may increase your overall knowledge but it will not help in your school work today.

You can free yourself of your bad habits when you are studying or getting ready to study. Some choose not to but it might be beneficial in the long run.

Abhishek is a self-development expert and he has got some great tips on Getting Rid Of Bad Habits. Download his FREE 42 Page Ebook, "How To Kick Bad Habits Out Of Your Life!" from his website http://www.Positive-You.com/33/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.

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