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Articles for Teachers

Tips For Success in Exams
By:Manjusha Nambiar

Tests are a way for you and your teacher to measure how well you have learned the material covered by the class. Think of them as a challenge! Here are some tips for studying for tests.

Make sure that you have received the right paper, then read the instructions twice. It may help you notice some important points like how many and which of the questions are compulsory. Read through all the questions. Tick the questions you think you can answer best, then read them through carefully again. If you are faced with the dilemma of two or more questions you know you can answer equally well, go for the one that takes the least time. Set a time limit for answering each question. Don't forget to leave a few minutes for reading over your answers at the end.

Start with the question you know you can answer best. It doesn't matter what order you do the questions in but be sure to number each one clearly. Do not waste time writing out the question. The examiner will definitely have a copy of the question paper. Before you start writing, plan quickly an appropriate answer to the question. Try to keep within your time limits. However, if in spite of all your efforts you find yourself with very little time left for the last question, try to list down the important points.

Read over what you have written checking for legibility, punctuation, spelling, clarity and accuracy of calculations etc. Cross out any rough notes you don't wish the examiner to read. Check that you have numbered the questions clearly. Do not attempt to cheat. Don't take crib notes or something like that into the examination hall. It simply isn't worth it. If you are discovered, you will probably be disqualified.

Preparing for multiple choice papers

Multiple choice papers test the precision of your knowledge. They may also test your ability to distinguish between some confusingly similar terms or ideas.

This type of paper is also known as an objective test. Here you are presented with a number of short questions and have to choose the correct answer out of four or five alternative ones. All the questions are compulsory on a multiple choice paper. The questions are generally drawn from all parts of the syllabus, so you can't rely on knowing two or three topics well leaving the rest alone, hoping that the ones you have concentrated on will be enough to get you through.

How to prepare for a multiple choice paper?

Make sure that you know your topic very well. The best way of preparing for a multiple choice paper is to practise on actual papers as much as possible. It is essential that you get to know the type of questions asked and the type of answers supplied to you to choose from.

Here are some general points to be considered.

Speed is essential. If you are stuck on a question, don't spend time on it, but pass quickly to the next. When you have finished all the ones you can do easily, you can go back to the difficult ones and try again.

If you are certain that you don't know the correct answer, make a calculated guess. Since your result depends on the number of right answers you give, there is no point in leaving any question unanswered even though you have only a one-in-five chance of your guess giving you the right answer.

The author is the editor of dailylearningtips.com, a website that provides study abroad information and test preparation tips. http://www.dailylearningtips.com/

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