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Travel, Teach, Live in China

About William and sarah_better@yahoo.com.cn
In Response To: Zhu Shijiang school in Jinan (HELP!)

Dear friend,

Please, read my posting about this dishonest recruiter from Beijing. (Chinese recruiters- Living and teaching in China ). Another Chris has wrote about his bad experience with him. He is not a headmaster of a school in Shandong or somewhere else. He is a recruiter from Beijing with an illegal business. His partner from Canada does not exist.
Teachers are maybe attracted by the high salaries !
( 5000-6000RMB for almost all schools ). But, none will get such a salary ! When one arrives at the school, the real headmaster will tell him that he cannot pay more than 4000-4500 RMB/month.
He has never visited the schools to check the teachers` accommodation. He is taking the job offers from different Chinese websites.
William is telling lies to everybody with a big smile on his face.

Messages In This Thread

Zhu Shijiang school in Jinan -- HELP!
About William and sarah_better@yahoo.com.cn -- Chris
Fake Chinese recuriters -- Skyler
Don't Be Fooled -- Chris
Resonse to Skyler -- G.D.

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