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ESL Classifieds

Free printable class room material
By:Gerard O'Neil <gerardoneil@gmail.com>
Date: 22 October 2016

One of the up sides of having more than twenty years’ experience as an ESL teacher is that I have amassed a huge amount of teaching material; the down side of this, is that, each time technology changes I have had to spend hours transferring my material to the new medium. I have material that began its life in diskettes, and then moved to C.D.s, and then pen drives and is now in “the cloud”.

I discovered the easiest way for me to store my material in “the cloud” was to use googles blog spot. Then I had an idea! Why didn’t I make my material available to other ESL teachers who might be looking for material outside the context of a textbook?

Feel free you use my material anyway you would like. My blog address is:


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