British native teacher with 3 years experience teaching in public high schools etc., interested in continuing to work in Asia or working in Europe. Currently don't have an authorized degree, but studying a BS in Business with an American University. Enquire for contact details (Skype, WeChat etc.)
Terry King
Nationality: British
City of Birth: London, England
Gender: Male
I am a native English teacher, from the UK, with an outgoing, enthusiastic teaching style. I have teaching experience with adults, children, teenagers and pre-school students. Through teaching, training and experience, I have become an effective, approachable English teacher. I often produce my own materials and make use of technology in the classroom to promote effective learning of English.
English Teacher, Handan Foreign Language School, Handan, China
October 2016 – Present
Working in a large Foreign Language School in North East China at the High School and Middle School campuses. Teaching Oral English of the school curriculum as well as teaching western culture and assisting with other activities when required. Managing large classes of more than 70 students, similar to a public-school organization.
English Teacher, No.1 Senior High School, Ruzhou, Henan, China
February 2016 – August 2016
Worked in the highest achieving senior high school in Ruzhou county, where I was the first foreign teacher in this city. I developed speaking skills, inspired confidence in the students and taught western culture. Teaching 15-18 year olds. Also, also involved in extra-curricular activities. Also, I assist students with written English, grammar and preparation for the Chinese college entrance examination.
English Teacher, No.7 High School Panzhihua, Sichuan, China
September 2015 – January 2016
Working in a public high school, I demonstrated the ability to manage large class sizes, more than 70 students. As well as use using textbooks, I also used technology such as PowerPoint and other techniques to create interesting lessons and develop speaking skills. I also assisted with grammar, pronunciation and other aspects. During my time at this school, I succeeded in developing language skills and sparked an interest in the English language at the high school and the nearby No.31 Middle School.
English Teacher, Camford Royal School, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China
January – August 2015
Working at a private school in China, I taught primary students as well as Middle and High School students, using a variety of materials and techniques. Using both traditional exercises as well as technology and multi-media to improve vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation as well as speaking, reading and writing skills. Students ranged from beginner to very young learners, and even advanced IELTS students.
English Teacher, Canadian Language School, Slovakia
August - December 2014
Working as a full-time Native teacher in a learning centre, I taught beginners to lower intermediate level, from young children right up to adults. This also included conversational English classes as well as one-to-one sessions.
The TEFL University, Brighton, UK May 2015
• Teaching English as a Foreign Language – 120 Hour Teaching Certification (TECCA Accredited)
• Bachelor of Arts – Teaching English as a Foreign language – Upper Second Class Honors
North Devon School of English, London, UK July 2013
Institute of Education, London, England
• Foundation Certificate Teaching English as a Foreign Language - Accreditat Accredited February 2014
University of the People, California, USA - January 2015 - Present
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
UNIV 1001 – Online Education Strategies
BUS 1101 – Principles of Business Management
POLS 1503 – Globalization
PSYC 1205 – Emotional Intelligence
ENGL – World Literature
AHIST – Art History
Access Training - June 2013
St Austell, England, UK
• BIIAB Door Supervision
• BIIAB Health and Safety
Open University, Milton Keynes, UK - November 2011 - March 2012
• Making Sense of the Arts
Truro College - 2002
Truro, England, UK
• NCFE Preparation for Business
• NCFE Integrated Business Technology
Cornwall College - 1996-1999
St Austell, England, UK
• GNVQ Advanced Media: Communication and Production
• GNVQ Intermediate Media: Communication and Production
• City and Guilds Information Technology
Other Experience
Supervisor, Leisure Projects, West Sussex, UK
A supervisory customer service role with an arcade leisure company on a holiday park. Involved in all aspects of running of an entertainment complex.
• Experience in a challenging customer service environment
• Developed hands on experience in repair and maintenance
• Enhanced skills in communicating information to the public
• Awarded team-member of the month on many occasions
Store Associate, TK Maxx, Worthing, West Sussex, UK
Worked for a high-street retail outlet, responsible for many aspects of customer service. This role included both working on a sales floor as well as a supervisor in a warehouse environment.
• Developed cash handling skills
• Acquired skills in working within a warehouse environment
• Merchandising skills