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ESL Jobs in Korea

Paju City, Gyunggido
By:Emily <info@seoulesl.com>
Date: 21 April 2015

Teaching Elementary and middle students in Pa-ju City!
I have a great school and please see the below job description and send me your resume and photos if you are interested in.

This school is one of the big education company run school in South Korea and the school has
well established curriculum and financially very stable. The director and the staff are nice and
friendly. I’m sure you will gain a great teaching experience in this school.

This school is located in Paju City, Gyunggido in north Seoul and you can easily access
anywhere in Seoul and it takes about 30 minutes to get to Shinchoen and Hongdae area by the

School type: Reputable private English school
Starting date : Mid Sep, 2015
Location: Paju City, Gyunggido, http://en.paju.go.kr/index.do
Salary : 2.1 mil won a month
Teaching Age Group : Grade, middle School
website : http://paju.slp.ac.kr/
Working days : Mon-Fri
Working schedule : 12:00PM-08:00PM
Housing : Single
# of Foreigner Teachers : 6
Airfare : One way ticket (after contract is completed.)
Benefits : Severance payment, National Pension, Health insurance
Paid Vacation : about 10 days + national holidays

If you any questions, please email me (info@seoulesl.com)
Visit our website to see more available jobs and visa info.

I hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you.




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