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Dragonized - 2015-03-13

After reading your post, all I can say is it is unfortunate you decided to judge me the way you did. In my time posting on this forum, you have taken more than enough liberties to take my ideas and use them for your own purposes. You have benefited from me being on this forum. That you made up a life story about me that was almost 100% lies save my ethnic background and shared it with the woodbine willie poster shows everyone who you really are.

I do not mind your negative opinions of me at all, as a matter of fact it is good that you do not like me. If we had different values, then I would not have it any other way. In this case if people like you liked me, I would not have done my job of actually being myself and being honest. There is nothing in your post that contains actual merit, just personal attacks. But you don't know me, so that is not surprising.

Progress is made by folks who actually care enough to not like many things in their societies, only then will they start changing themselves and influencing those around them. This starts first in the family, then the tribe. It can get lonely, and it can even give you despair. People like to intellectualize a lot of things to avoid their own suffering. But there is an end to this suffering, and those who face it grow to become better people who do not let their emotional trauma do the talking. You are too much of a coward to face these things, and the evidence comes from your inability to actually see beyond things like country, race, ethnicity, and tribe of where a person is originally from. Do some things I have experienced make me bitter? Sure, but that is life. At least I can say that I risked my heart in liking something and pursued my dreams of being accepted. I certainly don't need someone such as you to appreciate that much less judge!

You were the one to post my personal details 1st. Do not deny that. You did that because your opinions on this board were losing influence because of some disagreements I had with you regarding culture. You are a vain person, and politics comes before decency for you. You use people, and you do not show that you care. I think deep down you feel like the suffering you went through in life gives you the entitlement to be a Master of some Domain, even if it is the domain that is owned by other people. I also think you internalized the need to have a full locus of control from your abusers whether that be from your family or from the government that put you in prison. It was not your fault, I can believe that. But in order to stay alive you had to agree with the way you were handled as being good instead of being evil. This shows up in the way you communicate as you always, always have to be RIGHT about everything no matter what. That is an entitlement of being a special person everyone must like that I saw in you but I tolerated because I genuinely respected you and thought of you as a good person. Now I am not perfect, and I make mistakes too. That was one reason why I most likely was drawn to what you wrote on this forum. I think I started posting on here too because I though I was not appreciated for my unique ideas and my life experiences that people do not always understand. I am aware now that maybe at times in the past I may have come across as needy and may have asked for emotional support from you that I should not have. However, you yourself feel that you are good enough to make comments about big topics like country, societies, history, and culture. If you are good enough to be the judge these things, then you are also saying you are responsible enough to help the people who are connected with these things. But the way you have used me and are now treating me gives the best empirical evidence on how much you really "care". NOT AT ALL. These things are merely used to make yourself feel better for your own vanity! When someone with a real past and real personal history of experiencing these things you like to talk about but do not actually KNOW, your true side comes out.

When you sent woodbine willie an email telling him the lies of how I was in my late 30s, born in hangzhou, and how my parents participated in that major political protest in the late 80's, etc. I just shook my head in amazement. No wonder you had asked me to change my email that I had put out on this forum more than once and also on our skype conversations. When I had that disagreement with the San Migs poster last year, you offered to help me. Yet on skype you mentioned offhand about changing my email again along with giving your own opinions on San Migs most of which I think are fabricated in your own mind. There is NOTHING you won't do that doesn't carry some form of selfish, personal agenda. It is disgusting, because you said what you said to cover up your own lies about me in your emails with other posters. I was always wondering: Where do these people get their ideas about who I am?? Regarding other posters sending me emails and saying things about my personal life that is not true why do they feel this way? It takes a sick, sick, individual to manipulate both sides of the conversation like you do. Only a heart full of hate, darkness, and despair can do something like that. You may have tried to temper these things with religion and whatnot. But in the end the darkness won, and Wickedness is what gets you up in bed in the morning. You are poorer because of this, and considering you are a smart person that is too bad.

It is true there are things I hate in this world, and some of those things are bad environments that make Evil out of people who started off normal and well. I see it all over the world. I saw it in my family, and in the country that I spent years working as a teaching in that was where my heritage is from. But I cannot HATE something that I want to understand and be curious about. I can hate most of the things in society that create lost potential, including people like you that pretend to be good and therefore give false hope to other unsuspecting folks. But I do draw a line on when I stop hoping for and searching for a better world. I can merely change myself for the better, and I will be someone who carries a new world. But I cannot do it alone, I need a new tribe of folks who share the same values with me. You do not share this, and neither do many people in this world. I am done hating, I only choose to stay away from those I do not have much in common with. I do however feel I can still give value to this forum because I was too empathetic with people who did not deserve such compassion. Empathetic people are at a disadvantage when they are around exploitative people like you and your buddy woodbine willie. So I will continue to post and share my values, and that is something you do not have a right to stop. You are just being ignorant, and that is not worth hating. Actually, I pity you a little bit for feeling like this.

I will say one last thing to you, whatever your name is be it Schmidt or Turnoi. You seem to have a problem with people who choose to stand up to abusive families. You like to talk about your family and your "grown children" in some Hallmark Card fashion like they have their own lives and you let them live how they want. I want to remind everyone that you do not OWN your children. But when they grew up under your care, you had absolute power over them. How well you handled that power will show up in your older years on whether your children will come visit you and talk to you. It doesn't sound like you did a very good job of it, but that is just my guess. After all, people who judge me negatively when I share with them my own honest opinions about families usually have a bad conscience on something they themselves did in the past. But that is just my guess. However, I can say for certain that I care not for child abusers! You had better lay off of talking nonsense about my personal life lest you want to risk skeletons coming out of your closet. Have a nice day.

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Re Hi Turnoi... -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-13
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