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The Arrogant One - 2006-05-23

Please TRY to forgive me, sports fans, but I am forced to chuckle whenever I read a new complaint on the Teachers Board regarding the malevolent, double dealing of an Asian TEFL school or teacher agent. Whats more, judging from the extent of such bitching, one might very well be inclined to believe that Asia is little else than a den of charlatans! But, even I a born pessimist cannot accept this as fact. Whats more, I am beginning to believe that this forum is being used to cite only the negative aspects of TEFLing on foreign soil.

My God, folks, Ive been involved with this ESL biz for well over 20 years, both in the US and abroad while, like so many others, Ive gotten kicked in my privates on more than one occasion by nefarious schools in places like China and Korea even here in the good old US of A! But, in each case, it was my own damned fault mainly for not having done enough homework related to the school, its management, its reputation, etc., etc. In short, I failed to ask enough questions. I was young and quite impatient, refusing to take the time necessary to explore and resolve urgent aspects obscured by my uncontrollable desire to move ahead. Its strange, but according to my school records and professors, I was blessed with superior intelligence. Yet, even I fell prey to the relentless skullduggery of those masters (bastards!) of malevolence ever present in our profession.

As a veteran of the aforementioned vicious victimization, might I suggest that along with the good advice heretofore posted in this column that you try to sharpen YOUR OWN sense of perception? Granted, many are gifted with this dynamic talent, albeit it does not say that others cannot develop a similar keenness with regard to people, places, and accompanying conditions. Ergo, the advice of others can influence you only so far. In the final analysis it is YOU who must make the decisions and agree/adjust to all conditions affecting your life. Notwithstanding, there are no guarantees on any level. However, when making either a miniscule or mammoth mistake, Id rather it be a result of my own instinct and/or reasoning be it good, bad or indifferent. Amen.

Good luck to all.

The Arrogant One

Messages In This Thread
WHY fret over it? Deception is here to stay. - Teachers Discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2006-05-23
Where have you been? - Teachers Discussion -- Rheno747, B.A., M.A., PhD, Hard Knocks U -- 2006-05-24
Careful! - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-05-23
Well put! - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-06-30
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › WHY fret over it? Deception is here to stay. - Teachers Discussion

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