View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot?
San Migs - 2015-05-10

Email me, I am a very old china hand and I have been to hohhot and have knowledge of this place. There is a lot to be careful of in that province specifically regarding visas for a reason I won't go into on here, also I suspect that outfit is very shady and has connections with the local government, be warned, they will tell you anything to get you there, and you will be in freezing weather during the long winter (even colder than the UK!) and a furnace in summer. It is a lot like being exiled to Siberia, it has the same reputation amongst a lot of mainlanders.

Either way, your decision....

Messages In This Thread
Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- jorv -- 2015-05-09
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Laowai -- 2018-06-03
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- 807 -- 2018-06-26
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- The Spirit of Migsey -- 2018-06-29
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Scouse Magic -- 2018-07-06
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- PageWhite -- 2018-07-14
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- The Spirit of Migsey -- 2018-07-10
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Silverboy -- 2018-07-17
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- San Migs -- 2015-05-10
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- jorv -- 2015-05-11
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Ya'el -- 2016-01-09
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot?

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