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San Migs - 2015-09-09

My attitude may seem harsh, but I know many Western people are sick and tired of all this illegal immigration nonsense, and freeloading foreigners coming in and destroying the local cultural identity and causing distortion and disruption to local economies.

Fair enough mate. I don't think your attitude is harsh, it is disgusting when European countries are poor themselves, and have homeless and poor people and social problems themselves. Notice none of the Arab/Asian countries that have wealth will help out, they totally refuse to accept immigrants of any kind!

It is not just illegal immigration that should be stopped, legal migration programs and foreign investment should be scaled right back. I was appalled recently to learn for example, that a 500 million dollar "Chinese Disneyland" is planned for a coastal area north of Sydney. I can see huge opposition being mounted to this, but just wait, the protesters will be called "racist" for protecting their cultural heritage and identity.

That is insane. And you can imagine the tension it would case with locals, with spitting and loud rude chinese behaviour. They don't even obey the rules in Hong Kong Disneyland....it would be a nightmare!!!!

Enough is enough, and it is time for Western people to stand up for their rights. I don't just mean white Western people, I mean anybody who is a citizen of USA, UK, or Australia who feels their way of life is under threat. Trump is right, the leaders of Asia are laughing at the "leaders" in the West. BTW, I am not advocating use of violence, much better and useful would be very large but peaceful demonstrations in city streets.

Well, thats true as you know East Asians don't respect niceness when it comes to business, and are very to the point and cold and ruthless. I certainly don't think Xi Jinping deserves a steak and wine dinner at the whitehouse on his upcoming visit given the damage he has done to the USA economy and employment market. Bernie Sanders is not the right choice, right now, America doesn't need another socialist like Obama, they need someone who can bring their jobs back, and not export them all.

know at the moment there is growing anger in Sydney at rich mainland Chinese who are forcing young first home buyers out of the property market by outbidding at auctions.

Same thing in HK. They will come over with suitcases full of cash and pay in cash or transfer the full amount over from the mainland. What hope for the local young HK Chinese....they are forced to work and save even harder, despite an already high living cost. To say nothing of the fact they now have to buy goods and supplies which the mainlanders also come over to get every day.

I am talking about greedy self-serving foreigners , not Australian people of Chinese origin who are citizens and have lived in Australia for years and started productive businesses. Even some of them have expressed concern about Chinese investment, especially by state-owned companies, which they think is wrong, and they don't like it

I agree that people should be forced to become "citizens" and not this crap like I have an australian passport but I am still a Chinese and love China. No, that is bullshit,you go to Australia, you become an aussie and accept the egalitarian society and fair-play and mateship, otherwise GTFO......Australia shouldn't have to change it's values just to please Chinese, as we know the Chinese would never change to accomodate Aussies or other foreigners!

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Re Nuclear bombs -- San Migs -- 2015-09-09
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