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Abuser finder - 2015-10-02
In response to Abusive Canadian Principal identified (The CFT Watchers)

I'm assuming you trolls have contacted the school in Hebei to confirm the extortion attempt? You've also verified that the work of the Watchers is one person? Uh huh. I'm a Major General (active) with Australian military intelligence. I started the CFT Watchers while working for a borderline criminal teacher recruiter operation in Hunan Province. When I saw how the owner of the company I was working for was abusing foreign teachers I responded by forming CFT. We are completely self funded with many resources. We sent two investigators to the school in Hebei and paid the school to admit a "student" so we could get first hand information. The situation is actually much worse than posted here. We have respect for the Chinese foreign teacher principal so the posting is edited as such. The Nova Scotia Sino-Canadian school company operates more abusively than the Chinese companies do because the laws regarding the treatment of foreign teachers in China can be skirted by foreign concerns. How do I know this? I'm a barrister from Australia with ties to the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education in Beijing. I'm currently lecturing in Hong Kong on international law at a university here. CFTU cares for foreign teachers. Uh huh.

Messages In This Thread
Abusive Canadian Principal identified -- The CFT Watchers -- 2015-09-30
CFTU debunker punker and watcher squatcher -- Abuser finder -- 2015-10-02
Re Abusive Canadian Principal identified -- CFTU Debunker -- 2015-09-30
Re Abusive Canadian Principal identified -- CFTU Watcher -- 2015-09-30
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › CFTU debunker punker and watcher squatcher

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