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Kevin - 2015-11-12
In response to Retirement Options (The Trader)

I understand that unless you marry a Chinese your working in China must terminate early and then you either be positive and move on or you spend the rest of your life posting on forums from God knows what miserable situation.

Beijing IMMIGRATION chiefs dislike relatively poor laowai, such as many middle class foreign teachers and to a marginally lesser extent those foreign teachers who wed Chinese, being in China too long. Hence we have the ridiculous 5 year rule and the REFUSAL TO ISSUE a Chinese passport to any ordinary laowai who wishes one who's been residing and working in China CONTINUOUSLY for 2 years (+) So unlike the west, shame on you, China - that policy CAN'T be defended!

There are some friggin China defenders like Martin Hainan posting on here. Hainan must be heavenly to him, or else he posts under that name to annoy readers who aren't China defenders. Silverboy's got him sussed, and so have I, as well as you!

Anyways, get yourself a Chinese wife when you come over, within your contract period, and play them, the goons in Beijing, at their own game. Ignore what Silverboy and O'Shei say about Chinese women. It's posted to enflame!

Messages In This Thread
Retirement Options -- The Trader -- 2015-11-12
Retirement Options -- Kevin -- 2015-11-12
Retirement Options -- The Trader -- 2015-11-12
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