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DB - 2006-07-02

Wake up and smell the coffee young man. Had you done the proper research, you may have avoided the problems you encountered. On the other hand, it's obvious from your writing skills that you don't deserve a job teaching ESL - let alone EFL. My advice: Go home please. Get properly educated in English before you tarnish the reputation of well qualified teachers by attempting to teach abroad. There are many colleges that realize the importance of writing skills and that recognize the dismal truth that Western high schools are graduating students who haven't the ability to write their way out of a paper bag. If I were you, I'd choose one of those.

Unfortunately, right now, you are only being laughed at by Chinese students and employers who happen to read the postings here in this forum. But hey, I'm not laughing at you - I'm only shocked by you, and am offering you my humble suggestions. Maybe you think it's too late for you to return to college; therefore, I'll add the following anecdotal story:

While waiting in a long line to register for college classes, a bored young man, wanting to strike up a conversation with the much older man behind him, turned around and said, "excuse me sir, may I ask how old you are?" "Sure," said the smiling old man. "I'm 78 years old." "Wow," exclaimed the young man. "That means you'll be 82 when you graduate!" "Yep," replied the old man mirthfully. "But I'm going to be 82 anyway!"

The lesson then Chris, is that it's never too late to improve ourselves. Life is full of opportunities for those who believe this, and filled with disappointments for those who do not.

And by the way, it is necessary to have a BA to legally teach EFL in China. Those who informed you otherwise are probably teaching illegally at private schools and have obtained visas to do so only because the owners have found a way to circumvent the law.

Good luck!

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