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Bella - 2016-01-12

I would strongly urge you to stay away from Aston Yulin. I had an endless nightmare experience working for this school: Besides being treated like an object with no rights, I was held hostage when on the job, and when contacting the school was told just to wait. They did nothing to help me, even though it is illegal for a foreigner to be held hostage in China. The responisbility of the school is to come to my aid, but they did not care about my wellfare. The hostage situation perpetuated through the night. They also stole my leave from me. They chose dates for all my leave to be taken without my application of this leave and regardless of me stating that I did not apply for this leave, neither the school of head office cared to remedy the situation. This was all to avoid paying out my unpaid leave. I was also refused a pet bird, for no good reason. The list goes on and on... When I resigned and took another job, they also ensured that my new work permit was denied, and the PSB gave no reason for this denial. They just refused my new work permit and I had 1 week to leave my home, dream job and China. Corrupt, heartless and evil. As an employee you are worth less than a human to this company. Do not do work for them!

Messages In This Thread
Any News About Yulin Aston English School? -- Hannah -- 2010-04-30
Re Any News About Yulin Aston English School? -- wiser now -- 2016-05-18
Re Any News About Yulin Aston English School? -- Bella -- 2016-01-12
Re: Any News About Yulin Aston English School? -- Guest -- 2010-06-09
Re: Any News About Yulin Aston English School? -- forgiven -- 2010-06-10
Re: Any News About Yulin Aston English School? -- Jeremy -- 2010-05-11
Re: Any News About Yulin Aston English School? -- Cherry -- 2010-05-11
Re: Any News About Yulin Aston English School? -- Reconciled -- 2010-05-04
Re: Any News About Yulin Aston English School? -- ks -- 2010-05-04
Re: Any News About Yulin Aston English School? -- Raoul Duke -- 2010-05-05
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