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Chris - 2006-07-11

Not all EF schools in China are bad. I agree that this group of people sound horrible. I also agree that EF corporate couldn't care less about how their franchisees operate. However, EF is just like any other school in China - be careful and don't assume anything, and if it looks bad leave.

Regarding EF Shenzhen, there are 2 franchisees. 1 has 1 school, the other has 5. I've worked for the larger company for 1 year, and have signed on for a second year. Here's my summary: You'll be treated fairly and openly. You'll be paid in full and on time (they were 1 day late once, as far as I know). If you give the notice required to terminate your contract early, you'll be paid everything you're owed. My experience was positive, especially regarding pay. I cancelled my contract after 10 months (later I signed on again) and although they were not obligated to give me any of my return airfare, they actually covered a substantial part of it as a thank you for doing a good job. I'll admit, things are not planned and implemented with the same degree of efficiency as in the West (that's China in general) but I would recommend this school. One caveat: the school director (always a westerner) makes or breaks the working environment. However, if you're a good teacher/employee and you don't like your school manager, the general manager Sophia Gu will try to move you to another school. Email me if you have a question.

> First I was presented and I signed an non-standard non-EF Contract
> (didn't know for it was my first job with them). Later the EF Fuzhou
> school asked me to open their "clone" of thier existing EF
> Fuzhou and I had to work at both schools after the opening. Too bad
> that I got paid less than my Contract, because the CM Daniel said
> that they did not have enough money.
> Then I joined EF Huizhou(as a DOS) hoping for better.
> After joing them, four months later the same "clone" story
> and I was asked to clone and open their non-EF center in Huyian near
> (20 miles) Huizhou. Knowing that if I did not do it I would have to
> leave, I did what I was asked (you can judge me now).
> After that we (and I) experienced great "conflicts of
> interest" as well as employers attempts of dishonesty, not
> speaking of the teachers that moved up and down.
> When a teacher presented me with a Letter of Resignation and asked to
> be reliefed of her job duties instantly, the employer Lucy Li asked
> me to demand 40,000 RMB from the teacher for breaking her Contract
> (My position? Ohh god!).
> Then my flight reimbursment was a bit late and unexplained what was
> wrong "So I inquired" and got verbally DISMISSED by the
> "big boy" husband of Lucy Li my boss (Manager-Investor). (I
> stayed)
> But then and finally I got dismissed OFFICIALLY, even though without
> any WARNING or evaluation or discussion (hell I am China). I guess I
> knew too much and was inconvenient to the EF franchisee EF Huizhou.
> The franchisers did not get involved and did not have any interest in
> getting involved in their employees Wrongful Dismissal, since they do
> what their franchisees tell them in China. Even my story of having to
> cheat the franchisers with my false Director of Studies Monthly
> Reports did not raise much attention in the Head Office. (My employer
> required me to file lower sales reports due to the ROYALTY FEES ....
> Ha ha ha).
> The people who run the EF English First in China are ONLY Chinese and
> they are interested in MONEY only. Standards Non-standards it does
> not matter to them, so DO NOT JOIN ANY EF ENGLISH FIRST IN CHINA.

Messages In This Thread
China: Warning: EF English First in China - ESL discussion -- Gibson Matthew -- 2005-04-25
Re: Warning: EF English First in China - ESL discussion -- Quillter -- 2008-09-08
Re: Warning: EF English First in China - ESL discussion -- Pjoy -- 2008-11-28
EF China, Shenzhen - Teachers Discussion -- Chris -- 2006-07-11
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Too scared to say -- 2008-06-12
Re: EF China, Shenzhen - Teachers Discussion -- anonymous -- 2008-06-13
Not all! - ESL discussion -- Jon -- 2005-04-26
Re: Not all! - ESL discussion -- englishgibson -- 2009-11-23
To Gibson Re: EF English First - ESL discussion -- JinChaFa -- 2005-04-26
Re: To Gibson Re: EF English First - ESL discussion -- Quillter -- 2008-09-08
The EF corruption - ESL discussion -- mic -- 2005-04-27
Re: The EF corruption - ESL discussion -- Crazy Girl ( to work in China for English First!!) -- 2008-06-26
Matthew Gibson's response to all-Thank you - ESL discussion -- Matthew Gibson -- 2005-06-05
Bottom talking. - ESL discussion -- Rain -- 2005-04-27
EF Fuzhou -- Mark Charters -- 2008-08-20
To Rain: Re: EF - ESL discussion -- jinchafa -- 2005-04-28
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