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amused - 2016-04-18
In response to Re Education in the UK (Paul Fox)

M-W Unabridged:

foodstuff, noun : a substance with food value: as a : the raw material of food before or after processing {a bountiful crop of cereal foodstuffs} b : an element of nutrition (as protein, carbohydrate, vitamin) {the sponge obtains its necessary foodstuffs from the plankton}

Messages In This Thread
Re Education in the UK -- amused -- 2016-04-14
Re Education in the UK -- paul fox -- 2016-04-14
Re Education in the UK -- amused -- 2016-04-15
Re Education in the UK -- paul fox -- 2016-04-15
Re Education in the UK -- amused -- 2016-04-16
Re Education in the UK -- paul fox -- 2016-04-16
Re Education in the UK -- amused -- 2016-04-16
Re Education in the UK -- paul fox -- 2016-04-17
Re Education in the UK -- amused -- 2016-04-18
Re Education in the UK -- Paul Fox -- 2016-04-18
Re Education in the UK -- amused -- 2016-04-18
Re Education in the UK -- paul fox -- 2016-04-18
Re Education in the UK -- paul fox -- 2016-04-16
Re Education in the UK -- amused -- 2016-04-17
Re Education in the UK -- paul fox -- 2016-04-17
Re Education in the UK -- amused -- 2016-04-17
Re Education in the UK -- paul fox -- 2016-04-17
Re Education in the UK -- amused -- 2016-04-18
Re Education in the UK -- paul fox -- 2016-04-18
Re Education in the UK -- paul fox -- 2016-04-17
Re Education in the UK -- paul fox -- 2016-04-17
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Education in the UK

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