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John - 2006-07-25

Don't be silly, Mr Duke. You make it sound as if I am always posting anti-teacher complaints in here. I have in fact taken issue with only three in the last seven months and every one of them deserved it. Since the beginning of 2005 (Repeat:2005 - not 2006) I have taken issue with the following people and schools (Yes, Mr Duke! I do schools too!). The following postings are all matters of record and there are no others of mine to report on.

1) Mr Barry Donnelly for his complaint about Ruwi School that was so badly written that I had to tell him about it - as did several other people. Also, I knew Mr Donnelly personally and I can assure you that whilst his complaint about Ruwi was true to some extent, he chose to ignore a number of major contributing factors on his part. Ruwi may have acted wrongly - but so did Mr Donnelly who chose not to refer to his own involvement in his being fired.

2) I exposed a scam in Nigeria, purporting to be from "Brightstar Academy" conning people out of money for "advance expenses" connected to a job offer. You didn't see fit to offer me any compliments there, Mr Duke.

3) Along with several other teachers, I challenged Mr Hemingway's long and boring account of his treatment by a College in Huabei. My own complaint was confined only to the un-necessary length and irrelevant content of his posting, which went on for thousands of words. I didn't comment about the causes of his problem - only the manner in which he presented it. The Hemingway issue went on for a very long time - fuelled by yourself in no small measure, Mr Duke. You even tried to un-necessarily raise it again quite recently, well after it had all died down and gone away. You, however, are a personal friend of Mr Hemingway so you can be counted on to defend him no matter what the causes may have been.

4) I also challenged Mr Davis's equally long, personally insulting and boring diatribe about Ruwi School and its management. That went on for a long time too. I have since been privately informed of many other aspects of Mr Davis's behaviour at Ruwi School that point the finger right back at him.

5) Da Yang English Training Centre in Jingdezhen - specifically its owner, Ms Litta. I twice warned about this school and on each occasion was supported by several people who had worked there.

6) Recently I busted another scam, this time in Ghana - it was identical in nature to the one in Nigeria and my research indicated that both scams originated from the same people. You missed that too, Mr Duke!

7) Someone named "Yi" who with a number of others flew to China to take up a job in a summer school without securing Letters of Invitation and therefore had no 'Z'Visas. School may have been in the wrong (but may actually have acted correctly - their conduct was not fully explained by Yi) Yi & Co obviously did not check on the procedure for entering China and found themselves destitute on arrival. If they couldn't be bothered to do some quick and simple research then they should not have been surprised when they found themselves in trouble.

So, in the past nineteen months, I have taken issue with only four other Foreign Teachers - namely Messrs Donnelly, Yi, Davis and Hemingway - My challenge to Dr Cross counts as Teacher No.5. In the same period, however, I have also taken issue with three so-called schools - Da Yang I took to account on two separate occasions so I can probably claim four in all.

Thus I think my posting history on here is nothing like you untruthfully accuse me of. Moreover what little I have done is pretty evenly balanced between other teachers who have been at fault and schools who have been at fault. So, before throwing your wild accusations around, Mr Duke - I suggest you get up off your asshole and do some research! Those like you who jump to accusations face the risk of making themselves appear silly - as you have done.

Moreover the teachers I have challenged have all been cases where it has been QUITE obvious that the teacher concerned has been at fault to some significant degree and/or has been guilty of lying and/or using insulting language. If those complaints were so objective - where were you then, Mr Duke? You didn't see fit to challenge me back then did you? No, Sir! You kept your head down and tacitly accepted the validity of my arguments. Even when I challenged your personal friend, Mr Hemingway, you remained silent. So why do you now jump up and bleat so belatedly?

Moreover in my postings I merely turned the plaintiffs' own whining back on themselves - I did not "invent" situations. I took what they had said, considered it all very carefully indeed - from all angles, (something you need to learn yourself) and I looked on it in a different way from that which they expected. Which is a nice way of saying that I saw through them.

You are quite right in saying that there are many schools that are every bit as bad as they are claimed to be. My postings show that I will challenge them too. I have challenged a very small number of teachers who chose to falsify their complaints by means of exaggeration, lies and selective reporting of facts. So don't exaggerate your claim against me in the same way that they exaggerate theirs. I ask you to be big enough to publicly retract the following claim that even you know is untrue. I quote your own words:

a) "If you look at John's posting history, mostly over on the Reviews side, it's hard not to notice that John seems to exist for one thing and one thing only: to try and shoot down any complaint that any foreign teacher makes about any school. He puts a lot of work into making it look as if any problem that happens in China is entirely the fault of the foreign teacher"

Do you seriously wish to apply the foregoing to a mere handful of instances in the last year and a half? Don't you think you are being ridiculous?

You are a far more frequent visitor here than I am and I see you jumping in with your brand of subjective opinion quite often. I think a lot of what you have said in the past has been uninvited, uncalled for and in large part a load of utter crap -don't see any need to make personal innuendo against you where your opinion has differed from mine. It does seem from what you say now, that you reserve unto yourself the right to spout your unsupported opinions, whilst others - in this case, me - should be denied a similar right. Who do you think you are?

I make a point of never resorting to personal attacks or innuendo, Mr Duke. You however are happy to descend into the practice of trying to discredit me by puffing away with your own innuendo. Isn't that what you accuse me of doing, Mr Duke? Are you not the pot calling the kettle black?

What I will NOT ignore are cases like that of Dr Cross who has quite plainly stuffed Gannan Normal College from start to finish and is now justly reaping his whirlwind. I don't need to know much about the college nor about Dr Cross to deduce what has happened. It is his kind of behaviour that adversely affects all of us who act properly and reasonably, I think I have every right to comment upon it.

If Dr Cross's case is so virtuous then why has he not come back and clarified the behaviour that caused the college to deal with him in the way they did? Indeed I don't see you addressing the content of my challenge to Dr Cross's complaint - merely the fact that I challenged it at all. This suggests you have no argument to mount about his complaint. You even admit that you were so unobservant as to not notice what I did - namely that it is probable that Dr Cross moved his girl friend in with him. How can you claim however that the colleges's response was "draconian" when all Dr Cross said was that they were not respecting his privacy. If it was a rule that Dr Cross chose to ignore, then the College have every right to invoke that rule - but what was Dr Cross's reaction? He evidently threw a tantrum or two and then did a runner.

You leave your views on ALL schools very clear when you accuse me of "Sleeping with the Enemy" Who is "the enemy", Mr Duke? Is this how you view all schools in China? As "The Enemy"? and all because of my very small handful of challenges to teachers who were being unprofessional and one-sided?

My God! You are so easy to overturn! Go away, Mr Duke and READ Dr Cross's complaint a few more times and try looking at it for what it is. You already missed the very core of it and have probably missed a lot more too. In future you would do well to research your responses and take more care with them so that you don't make yourself look foolish.


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