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Ginger Grant - 2006-07-26
In response to For Mr Duke - Teachers Discussion (John)

You know, John, after reading your responses to the reviews here for some time now; I have something to state here and youll most likely either give me a long response or a short retort; let me also add that Raoul Duke may have a point.

You obviously devote a great deal of time and effort dissecting from all angles, as you put it, these school reviews, but it's also very noticeable to me that your efforts tend to ignore very crucial details in some of the reviews, and maybe you see those ignored details as irrelevant especially if they dont coincide with your argumentative strategy. You tend to make a particular attempt to either discredit the poster's review altogether or certain aspects of that review, and if another poster doesn't agree with your views, you do get a little snippity, and long winded yourself. The later observation certainly is applicable to Raoul Duke's posting, but also to other posters here as well.

As intelligent as you seem in your postings, surely you can see that such omittance of details and other poster's viewpoints has to be addressed; moreover, you cannot expect anyone with experience teaching in China to simply accept your responses to these reviews as valid because you haven't experienced those schools but write in such an insightful, critical, and even sometimes, a convincing manner?

Are those negative reviews possibly a catalyst that provokes and eventually inhibits your own efforts of making a profit in China, either as a recruiter or ties to a recruiter?

If I am wrong for such a guess, then I cant phantom what would provoke you to spend such an exorbitant effort playing a verbal dissecting game with the reviews, making some pretty far out leaps in assumptons about the poster, and not fully realizing either the contextual expression of the review or even the posters point of view. I can understand if the poster missed including certain points, but I dont think that qualifies as wholesale condemnation of the review or the posters experience at a school.

You have revealed more than your opinions on these certain school reviews; you've revealed something a little too driven, too argumentative, and a little too sanctimonious, so dont expect me to buy into your misdirected agenda as enlightened discourse.

The truth in China is an arbitrary commodity for the Chinese, and it would seem also for your purposes altogether, a terrible revelation on an already direly troubled educational industry where moral cowardice seems to be valued and promoted by Chinese and some foreigners.

Finally, I want to stress that you do have some points to the reviews, but consider me silly and foolish for thinking that your attitude and rhetoric to the reviews and other posters here are less than admirable; however, since I've been teaching here in China for five years, I've become less surprised at the lengths some foreigners will go to discredit other foreigner's experiences to further their own agendas.

And I find the later, the saddest part of my experience of living and teaching in China.

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