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Curious - 2016-06-22

Turnoi: you might enjoy this: I read yesterday that around 2000, Trump said that if he was running for president, he would be the first ever US president to make a profit from his campaign.

And this month, while he is asking money from the public, his campaign is reimbursing him for the personal loans that he made to his campaign in May. The small people might go for it, but the big savvy donors are very afraid that their money will be directly used to reimburse Trump personally, for the loans he gave his campaign, i.e. he is using the model that he was talking about in 2000: He charges himself (yep) for campaign space in his buildings, the use of his private plane for campaigning, he sells to himself his brand of bottled water (Trump Water) and "Make America Great Again" basebal caps distributed to the public at campaign events, etc, then he turns around, he aggregates all these expenses and he turns them into a loan from himself to his campaign that he will reimburse to himself when money from donors is sent to his campaign.

We have to admit: A shit like that is HUGE.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Trump's money box -- Curious -- 2016-06-22
Re: Trump's money box -- Curious -- 2016-06-22
Re: Trump's money box -- Curious -- 2016-06-22
Re: Trump's money box -- paul fox -- 2016-06-23
Re: Trump's money box -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-06-23
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