amused - 2016-06-23

On the eve of Britain's petulant parade to the polls, I would like to propose a theory that nation-states that inhabit islands are uniformly afflicted with an inbred cultural mania.

England, Japan, Ireland, Australia (a continent, please: I think not) a plethora of Caribbean countries... the mechanism behind this ancient curse of sea isolation is elusive, but it marks these island's inhabitants to this day.

Perhaps only in Madagascar, where dead relatives are feted on Famadihana, is the 'Island-genetic malady' embraced, celebrated and acknowledged.

In truth, the dusty dead have never excused themselves from the dining halls of England's palaces, Parliament and public schools.

Messages In This Thread
Brexit -- amused -- 2016-06-23
Re: Brexit -- Curious -- 2016-06-23
Re: Brexit -- paul fox -- 2016-06-24

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