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Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-09

People in my trust book have informed me of a deception. Tsingtao sells for 3-5yuan. If you look at their advertising picture the bottle is chunky and contains 600mls. But if you are a retired FT you will most likely be short-changed with a skinnier bottle with only 500mls.of beer. The price of fags and beer is what encourages us to retire to China, but the Tsingtao outrage may be a slippery slope. Most bottles of Snow beer still contain 580mls so my Beijing friends who may be going to pay Tsingtao fat executives a visit suggest we switch to that beer for now.

Messages In This Thread
Tsingtao. Cons expat pensioners -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-09
Re Tsingtao. Cons expat pensioners -- Tommy -- 2016-07-12
Re Tsingtao. Cons expat pensioners -- paul fox -- 2016-07-12
Re Tsingtao. Cons expat pensioners -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-12
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