Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-16

A few weeks ago I was more than honest with a training centre and told them straight that if a top level teacher was as high as the ceiling my level would be creeping up to skirting board height, since I have never been a teacher. So yesterday I wasn't happy when the school ordered me in today to I thought complain about my shortcomings. To my surprise I have been promoted into number 1 IELTS expert and my salary raided by 50 yuan to 200yuan per hour. I said to her ,very kind but I still don't know what IELTS is! She just sent me home with these 2 books. Seems to me that teaching in China is a doddle

Wife just phoned to ask if she can have a new AC for the lounge for 1500 yuan
I said certainly as I seem to be going up in the world.

Messages In This Thread
IELTS -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-16
Re IELTS -- Sharp -- 2016-07-18
Re IELTS -- Mike Milken -- 2016-07-16
Re IELTS -- Sharp -- 2016-07-18
Re IELTS -- paul fox -- 2016-07-18
Re IELTS -- Sharp -- 2016-07-19
Re IELTS -- amused -- 2016-07-17
Re IELTS -- paul fox -- 2016-07-17
Re IELTS -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-16
Re IELTS -- Mike Milken -- 2016-07-17
Re IELTS -- paul fox -- 2016-07-18
Re IELTS -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-07-17

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