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Paul Fox - 2016-08-06

Once again the attitude of Chinese employers prevails. Assumption is put ahead of reality, facts, and of course, profit.

Last summer I did a summer camp at Beijing New Oriental in Yangzhou. It was 60 classes over 16 days, high school students, and the fee was RMB9000. It was great fun.
I was assured that I would be booked again this year, and I was.
That was until today. Despite receiving a confirmation e-mail, about 3 months ago, I have just been informed that my services are not required, despite them having no other teacher and the camp starts next week. The reason they gave is that 'I appeared to look drunk when attending classes' last year.

Anyone in China knows that the humidity is pretty bad. That, coupled with the pollution, makes my eyes red. It's a medical condition, (Uveitis), that I have suffered with all my adult life. I have never, and would never, even contemplate going to teach a class of students under the affluence of incohol.

Once I explained this, they came back and said that my lessons weren't planned correctly last year.

OK, no problem. If 16 days of lessons that include PPT's with pictures, worksheets, video's etc, don't constitute lesson planning, then what does? Can someone offer me some practical assistance?

Nothing was said to me last year - no complaints - in fact quite the opposite. However, red-eye-syndrome is a sign of alcoholism and nothing more as far as these narrow-minded muppets are concerned. Uveitis is not on their agenda.

I hope their summer camp fails miserably and that the high school director, (who couldn't direct traffic), gets to play a key role in the next Final Destination movie !

What an idiot !

Messages In This Thread
Chinese scumbags -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-06
To Paul and all -- Dr. Stephens -- 2016-08-15
Re Chinese scumbags -- amused -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese scumbags -- Former FT in China -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese scumbags -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese Summer School -- Former FT in China -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese Summer School -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-08
Re Chinese scumbags -- amused -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese scumbags -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese scumbags -- Former FT in China -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese scumbags -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese scumbags -- amused -- 2016-08-08
Re Chinese scumbags -- Former FT in China -- 2016-08-08
Re Chinese scumbags -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-08-08
Re Chinese scumbags -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-08
Re Chinese scumbags -- Paul Ralston -- 2016-08-08
Re Chinese scumbags -- Paul fox -- 2016-08-09
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