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Paul Fox - 2016-08-07
In response to Re Chinese scumbags (amused)

Thanks for sharing.
It is quite frustrating that Chinese people regard being wrong as losing face. There's a lot of truth in the old saying - 'A man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything'.

While reading your post about the sex education you gave students, a big light bulb appeared above my head and began to glow.
I suddenly remembered the final lesson I gave those grade 11 kids last year. Swear-words.

It was a controlled lesson using PPT and the PPT was strictly adhered to, (just in case any of the Chinese bosses wanted to see it). It dealt with the 5 most used swear words in England and Australia - namely sh*t, p*ss, w*nk, f*ck, and of course, the 'C-word'. No written material or worksheets were used, since the whole lesson was based on tonal use and how we use tones to inflect different meanings of those words.

These kids were preparing to go to study in Canada and America - countries where they are not continually wrapped up in their proverbial cotton-wool-blanket. I thought I was actually doing them some good by explaining certain things they are likely to encounter - obviously not!

I must admit though, if I ever wanted to get my contract cancelled, I can think of no better way than giving the kids a few lessons on sex-education - Classic!

Messages In This Thread
Chinese scumbags -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-06
To Paul and all -- Dr. Stephens -- 2016-08-15
Re Chinese scumbags -- amused -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese scumbags -- Former FT in China -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese scumbags -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese Summer School -- Former FT in China -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese Summer School -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-08
Re Chinese scumbags -- amused -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese scumbags -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese scumbags -- Former FT in China -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese scumbags -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-08-07
Re Chinese scumbags -- amused -- 2016-08-08
Re Chinese scumbags -- Former FT in China -- 2016-08-08
Re Chinese scumbags -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-08-08
Re Chinese scumbags -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-08
Re Chinese scumbags -- Paul Ralston -- 2016-08-08
Re Chinese scumbags -- Paul fox -- 2016-08-09
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