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Paul Fox - 2016-08-20
In response to What are my job prospects in China? (CANENGL)

You are gonna hate this, but you asked.......
All seems good except your ethnicity. Sadly, Chinese people are often racist, even bigoted. Being from the Middle East puts you in danger of being labeled a Muslim and as such, your chances are slim.
Maybe you should consider UAE as a teaching destination?
My school just refused to hire a teacher simply because they said "he looks like a Muslim".
It's not good, but it's true, and definitely something you need to take into account. You could end up applying for heaps of jobs and as soon as they see your photo......bye bye !

It's a shame because China needs teachers.

Messages In This Thread
What are my job prospects in China? -- CANENGL -- 2016-08-19
Re What are my job prospects in China? -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-20
Re What are my job prospects in China? -- Former FT in China -- 2016-08-20
Re What are my job prospects in China? -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-20
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