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Whistleblower - 2016-08-27

The interesting advert somehow equates with the National Socialism from 1920s in Germany with which Hitler campaigned for the office.

The promises of financial assistance and the political and international salvation seem to relate so much that the similarities need to be observed. Large industrialists that mostly are connected to the government in the country anyway are heavily favored regardless laws which are ironically so loud in the Beijing’s promotion. The xenophobia with a strong racist trend that is felt around the nation is in a direct contradiction with the trumpeted values’ equality. The dictatorial approach to general public that is to accept the leader for an extended period of time is a contrary to the democracy pasted on walls of local subways or real estate projects.

Regardless the differences in the times or political systems in between the countries, people should notice the similarities before it is too late.

Messages In This Thread
China-Core Socialist Values -- Whistleblower -- 2016-08-27
Re China-Core Socialist Values -- caring -- 2016-08-31
Re China-Core Socialist Values -- caring -- 2016-08-31
Re China-Core Socialist Values -- Paul Fox -- 2016-08-31
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