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Edmund Trebus - 2016-09-30

We should be dealing sternly with Arabs who hurl homosexuals off of tower blocks andtreat there women like dogs

The "west" has tried to deal with this..and failed. Why? Exporting democracy and the freedoms we take for granted in the UK/USA/Europe is something unknown to them. Saddam, while a brutal dictator, kept his country unified. Is Iraq any better for the attempts to bring western style democracy? Libya, once a prosperous country, is now reduced to rubble and being fought over by warlords. Syria, again ruled by Assad and his wife who are not afraid to use chemical weapons, is now at risk of becoming another Iraq and being taken over by Daesh/ISIS. It seems the meddling politicians like Cameron never learn, these countries don't want to be like us, and their own leaders rule with an iron rod, and to me that is better than the alternative. We may rail against countries like Saudi and the UAE for lacking human rights and being under a royal family who rule absolutely, but what the west does not want, is those countries to become like Syria is now, overrun by terrorists who do not worry about their own life, or that of anyone else...that is what we do not want.


Messages In This Thread
Re 300% of hourly rate in holiday -- Edmund Trebus -- 2016-09-30
Re 300% of hourly rate in holiday -- Foxy -- 2016-10-01
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