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Chuck - 2006-09-12

Hi Wendy-
Maybe the Chinses staff and prospective students feel they need to put up with it (I would imagine many of those students just go somewhere else!) but the foreign staff don't. Tolerance of that kind of crap just leads to more, and it eventually just spirals out of control. Talk it over with the other teachers and find out what they think, if they've noticed the same things. Telling him you saw what he did and you think it was inappropriate is usually the best course of action right from the beginning. It isn't easy and takes a lot of courage, but it needs to be done.

You and the other teachers there--albeit you are not there any longer--can like your students, schedules, classes, etc, but with a manager and owner like that there's not much to take pride in. Rest assured the word is out on the street from the women he's pawed over to other women that he's a little too friendly, giving him a reputation. Unfortunately, everybody else there gets the same rep after a while.

Also, this is probably not something new for him. He probably got away with it for a while in the States, moving from place to place, just a head of the law (or a husbands baseball bat?) and finally figured out that laws and social mores are often less stringent in other countries, so he took his show on the road.

Unfortunately, the problems with booze are much more common than anybody cares to consider. How many times have we seen a teacher show up in yesterday's clothes, smelling a bit ripe, and be there only marginally in body, but not in mind or spirit? And attempt to give a class. It's an embarrassment.

I don't think anybody could fault you for blowing the whistle. Maybe approaching the American Consulate or Embassy about this might do him some good. They might be able to investigate the guy's background, or if nothing else have a little chat with him to settle him down before it gets out of control. At very best his name can be put into the grid, posssibly protecting students in the future.

Good luck to you, Wendy.

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