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Former FT in China - 2016-10-23

There is no such thing as a "Chinese Dream". For this to happen China would need to become an open society and a democracy. A country where people can't freely discuss ideas and criticize the government is a backward society. An education system dominated by a corrupt and totalitarian one-party state will never be great. China also does not not have a union movement, so the working class will remain poor.

Also, in the Chinese legal system there is no separation of powers. If the CPC wants you to be found guilty, you are guilty. On top of that, they do not have a transparent banking and finance sector. China's legal and financial system is a total joke compared to countries like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

That article is bullshit, as I have said previously. I don't disagree with you, but the reason I am still in China is to live better than I could back home. Politics and freedom do not interest me at the expense of being impoverished back home. For me, Blighty was shit 20 years ago. That was why I went to China in the first place, and then remained in China to continue to live well cheaper than I could have done back home. I will never regret having come to China!

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Re Young Students Chase the New Chinese Dream by Studying Overseas -- Former FT in China -- 2016-10-23
Re Young Students Chase the New Chinese Dream by Studying Overseas -- Foxy -- 2016-10-23
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