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Finboga Finbogasson - 2016-10-30

It's all wrong what they say. Universal brother- and sisterhoold really exists only among the idiots of this world.
I invite you to join the club to build the Fourth International of Idiots. I will act as their chairman.

We are often told by the intrepid class-warriors of the Left, that we should all be sympathetic to the great and eternal virtues of humanity i.e.” Peace,”” Love”” and” Universal Brotherhood”-we must love the foreigner as our own- but this is so obviously a fraudulent view of humanity that is worthy only of the uttermost contempt-if you can be bothered.
Messages In This Thread
Re Universal Brotherhood -- Finboga Finbogasson -- 2016-10-30
Re Universal Brotherhood -- Foxy -- 2016-10-30
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