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Foxy - 2016-11-03

I think people making derogatory remarks about gays is pretty childish. I mean, they can't
help being gay. They will like what they like.
Just like how some heterosexual white men only like Asian women. We can't be attracted to
something we are not attracted to.

Agree totally. However, there is a big difference in the two subjects. Firstly, many western men choose Asian women due to a previously bad experience that they've had with Western women. Therefore to them, all Western women are categorised in the same way. We can't say the same about gay people because most of us haven't had that same experience.

Making derogatory remarks about gay people is completely unfair and cannot be compared to making derogatory remarks about Western women!

Those of us who choose an Asian woman over a Western woman do so because of experience. None of us can choose to be heterosexual due to a bad experience we've encountered in a same-sex relationship.

If you're gay, you're gay. If you are heterosexual then you are heterosexual - end of! I wonder how many gays or lesbians would also choose an Asian person as their next partner?

For heaven's sake....live and let live! As long as they are doing you no harm, leave them alone. They have as much right to live a happy life as any of us.

Messages In This Thread
Re protecting your own -- Foxy -- 2016-11-03
Re protecting your own -- jake -- 2016-11-03
Re protecting your own -- Former FT in China -- 2016-11-03
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