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Santiago - 2006-10-03

Yes, you are right Dave. Thanks for making that a little clearer than I did. The unfortunate truth is that there are many ways around the existing laws for employers, but none of those ways ultimately protect the employee should the hatchet begin to fall. And yes, those new to China as teachers, or exploring the possibility of teaching in China, should be made aware that recruiters will use any means at their disposal to lure unsuspecting, and in some cases innocently naive or excessively hopeful newcomers to the EFL game in China.

One can only hope that sooner or later the government will clear up this mess. Aside from the outright dishonesty, there are just too many gray areas regarding EFL teaching in China. Yes, I know how the saying goes; "Wish in one hand, %^&* in the other." And right now there's just way to much money padding the pockets of the local officials for them to feel inclined to do anything about it. However, I do remain hopeful; albeit, only slightly so. That little bit of hope is maintained through the perhaps misguided belief that there are those in Beijing in positions of power that will ultimately recognize the benefit of examining this situation with the objective realization that it will be to the betterment of China as a whole if the whole thing is torn apart and reassembled. In fact, to be pefectly honest, I'd like to see a moratorium on the hiring of new teachers put into place immediately until the whole thing is sorted out - there are just too damn many people having their lives disrupted and their hopes dashed.

On a final note, recently I had some passport problems I needed to care of. While looking through the US Embassy and Consulate pages on the web, I came across a link regarding teaching English in China. Although I only skimmed through it, it seemed that some of the information was fairly accurate and useful for the uninitiated, yet a lot of it made me aware that the US government is itself not quite clear on the matter. Has anyone in this forum seen that information? And can you tell me if I'm right or wrong about my assertion?

Thanks again Dave............

Messages In This Thread
So you want to teach in China: for your perusal - Teachers Discussion -- Santiago -- 2006-10-01
EFL Teaching Without A Degree - Teachers Discussion -- Steve -- 2006-10-01
Response to Steve - Teachers Discussion -- Santiago -- 2006-10-02
Teaching without a degree - Teachers Discussion -- Dave -- 2006-10-03
Re: Dave's added comments - Teachers Discussion -- Santiago -- 2006-10-03
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