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heretosays - 2016-11-19

Agreed; "worthless" may be too harsh of a word. However, when dealing with folks of his ilk, it's sometimes necessary to get down and wallow in the mud with them.

Odd, though, that you have a problem with that word while apparently being totally accepting of The Toddler's inflammatory language. And libtard is a great example. Educated people don't go around calling mentally challenged folks retards. I could add more but why bother because one just needs to read his posts to find that anyone who disagrees with his childish attitudes are subject to immature name calling.

Nevertheless, his opinions are generally worthless and uninformed. If you doubt that, just read one of his latest posts wherein he claims that global warming doesn't exist.

As for the misspelling of comma, not intentional but, like you, I caught the connotations that could justify spelling it as coma. And as for his "girlfriends," don't you mean "victims?" Oh, but wait, that can't be right because in prostitution there is no victim. Poppycock and balderdash.

I have a mental image (damn the imagination) of SB in a squalid jail in some backwater Thai town, chubby fingers wrapped around bars, whining away the hours and sweating like a pig while periodically screaming, "but there was no victim!"

Messages In This Thread
Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute -- heretosays -- 2016-11-19
Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute -- Harry Callahan vs Gabe Tostee -- 2016-11-19
Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute -- Foxy -- 2016-11-19
Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute -- heretosays -- 2016-11-19
Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute -- Foxy -- 2016-11-20
Re: Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute -- Fifi -- 2016-11-19
Re: Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute -- heretosays -- 2016-11-20
Re: Re By day a teacher ... by night a prostitute -- BeenThere -- 2016-11-19
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