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Foxy - 2016-11-26

There's nothing wrong with minority groups per se. Everyone has the right of association as well as freedom of speech. However, where the proverbial line is crossed is when the governments TELL us how we should behave, how we should treat them, and more importantly, that they are somehow entitled to receive 'special treatment'. That doesn't mean that I believe they should be persecuted either.

Certain minority groups make their own decisions to migrate to Western countries. By choosing to do so, they should accept the rules, laws, and way of life that those countries operate under. What entitles Muslims to 'Sharia Law' in the UK, America, Australia, etc?

If they are not prepared to integrate, then they should stay in their home country. If they ARE prepared to integrate, then I have no problem with their personal beliefs or culture, etc.

You're right, people ARE sick-and-tired of the current 'PC mentality' that is essentially forced upon society.

People who are scared of what Trump might do are people who have the most to lose. Banks; Insurance companies; Pharmaceutical companies; etc. Essentially, the people who have been ripping us all off for decades. Under Killary, they would all be safe, but they are all scared of what Trump may have in store.

As for us 'ordinary blokes', we should remember that Trump didn't become a billionaire because of his stupidity. OK, so he may not be 'perfect', but who is?

I'm not in the least bit religious, but as the Hebrew Bible states: 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.'

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Re PC madness and the brainwashing of kids. -- Foxy -- 2016-11-26
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