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Foxy - 2016-12-04

Chinese women often have abusive boyfriends and husbands, both Chinese and Western.
Usually they are pretty but uneducated women with no skills and no money.

I guess they find getting beaten up is preferable to living on the streets.

Pigsy, unlike many other posters on this forum I happen to think you are a half-decent bloke. That said, sometimes you tend to be so small-minded it's not funny.

The biggest problem facing humanity today is the constant emergence of new knowledge. Much of this new knowledge happens to be proven fact, yet those in control choose to throw away those facts in order to maintain their long-believed theories so that history doesn't have to be re-written.

Your obvious belief that China, and all its citizens, are abhorrent, is your personal opinion and is no doubt based on your own personal experiences. All of us share different opinions, experiences, and perceptions.

Should we perhaps state that your Thai ex-wife was a whore? Why? Well, ALL Thai women are 'whores', aren't they?

You'll be telling us next that all Frenchmen are romantic.....come on.....give us a break!

Messages In This Thread
Re re: interesting story about taiwan, canadian guy and taiwan girl -- Foxy -- 2016-12-04
Re re: interesting story about taiwan, canadian guy and taiwan girl -- Trump diplomacy -- 2016-12-04
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