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[poster] - 2016-12-07
In response to Re: Re US Criminals (BeenThere)

No, totally wrong: illegal aliens, who are mostly latinos, do not live in inner-city black
ghettos as you wrote.

Hello, yes they do. So do a lot of legal Hispanics. 'Combined with' described the combined problems not 'they combine together' or that Hispanics are 'inside' Black neighborhoods. But having said that, while the Hispanic inner-city 'ghetto' areas are usually adjacent, beside, next door, 2 streets over, connected they are not nearly as separate as Cop TV Shows would have you believe. This intermixing is a bit interesting because its come and gone. In inner city areas in New York the infamous 'Spanish Harlem' (East Harlem as you know being an expert) oddly enough had its gangsters and bad guys surprisingly cooperative with black gangs around Harlem (again, lots of intermixing can be seen even on the very faces of people) but then somewhere around the 90's they do seem to stay very separated and don't clash either.

California is one where blacks and Hispanic's share the same 'ghettos' (enclaves, slums, whatever you want to call these special areas) and encroach and expand. At one point poor blacks were taking over Hispanic areas but that's over as Hispanics (with ever increasing err..'immigrants' arriving) have grown to take over entire once 'black ghettos'

In areas where the two groups are highly represented, such as South Central LA, Compton and Watts, the territory claimed by the two groups of gangs greatly overlapped, with each identifying almost the same particular area as their own, and both respecting each other. In several areas, the Latino and Black gangs intermingled a lot, with several Black and Mexicans speaking with the same accent and doing several of the same activities together (cock fighting, pit bull fighting, etc). Everybody just understood that each territory was their own with respect to their specific race. It was a weird system, but overall it worked and allowed the two races, usually neighbors to each other, to live together.

One of the main reasons you fucked up here is probably because, strange as this seems, a great deal of the racial breakdowns of these high-crime areas DID NOT HAVE A HISPANIC or 'LATINO' category. They have been categorized under 'White' and only recently in the last few years has that been changing. So when you tried to bluff your way through this via 'internet knowledge' you probably did not find any 'Hispanics' in regard to crime stats or who lives inside those high-crime circles.

As a general rule, blacks kill other blacks. Hispanics other Hispanics. this is surprising since the neighborhoods are often side-by-side but not even rigidly divided with plenty of overlap. There is not actual 'black side of the street and across is the hispanic side' yet the criminals, the gangs, the people will create their own 'rules' and divisions.

>And the latino illegal aliens have a crime rate LOWER than the general population

Nope and I wish you could see yourself. "Latino Criminals have crime rate LOWER than the general population". That's what you just told me. People committing a crime have the 'maximum rate' heh. But suppose you don't count the crime they commit everyday they are being illegal.

But no, you are mistakenly trying to use the 'Immigrants' scam stat. You actually screwed it up because you were supposed to say 'Hispanic Immigrants'. That way you hide the illegal aliens inside the LEGAL true immigrants (who often have lower crime rates).

No, if the category is illegal Hispanic immigrants then they most definitely do have a much higher crime rate or really more to the concern - a violent crime rate. That's if you want to use FBI data and not links to 'statistics tricks' that (for example) only select certain categories of crimes, use certain cities etc.

>without many of the services that legal residents get.

Why would they be getting ANY services??

Finally, you need to understand that illegal aliens committing crimes is all unnecessary additional crime. Yes, absolutely true we have enough born and raised American criminals. To get back on topic we already have a very serious crime problem with Black Americans inside those dangerous ghetto circles. that is ALL THE MORE REASON we can't afford to add 20% more criminals from other countries who aren't even supposed to be there in the first place.

Straight Facts indeed. Its just that you didn't know how to read them, what they meant or what they did NOT mean. woops!

Messages In This Thread
US Criminals -- Xinran -- 2016-12-03
Re US Criminals -- Davyhulme -- 2016-12-04
Re US Criminals -- Foxy -- 2016-12-04
Re US Criminals -- Xinran -- 2016-12-06
Re US Criminals -- Foxy -- 2016-12-06
Re US Criminals -- [poster] -- 2016-12-06
Re: Re US Criminals -- Curious -- 2016-12-06
Re: Re US Criminals -- BeenThere -- 2016-12-06
Re: Re US Criminals -- [poster] -- 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals -- BeenThere -- 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals -- Trump diplomacy -- 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals -- [poster] -- 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals -- BeenThere -- 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals -- [poster] -- 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals -- BeenThere -- 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals -- Fifi -- 2016-12-07
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