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[poster] - 2016-12-07
In response to Re: Re US Criminals (Trump diplomacy)

Additionally they pay taxes of various types even when they work in the underground economy.
Utility, sales, transportation taxes, etc.

and they don't pay income taxes, they very often aren't paying the fees (taxation) their American citizens competitors do such as business licences, insurance, city fees and vehicle registrations etc etc (where a great deal of a cities money must come from).

Then, they go the other way on average taking up taxes on welfare benefits and/or various social service programs and schemes like food stamps, employment programs. They take up taxes on processing and then they way way take up tax money on the costs of finding and imprisoning them and if they ever do get deported that costs a huge amount to. (especially bad if they just show up again and again).

the overall bottom line is they cost taxpayers. Its a net loss Keeping in mind, suppose nobody knows what they pay in taxes since they are, after all, undocumented and not in the system as we are obligated to subject ourselves to? Well then you can STILL be certain beyond a doubt simply by comparing them to documented and well researched low-skilled Americans who are in the system, the IRS records. Nearly everyone making less than 30,000 USD is getting in the "Loss" category. Mexico isn't having its doctors, successful businessmen, wealthier families run across the border to live as illegal aliens.

>No doubt they do impact the job market and the availability of better paying jobs with
benefits, but so did slavery and child workers

I don't know you but can I just assume you are totally happy child laborers were totally banned from working in the USA. I might also guess you were totally for the Slave Class being eliminated as well yes?

So, I'm going to go ahead and suppose you'd be consistent with your morality, standards and worldview and also oppose illegal aliens working.

> Employers are the perpetrators and
undocumented workers are the victims.

Nope, both of them are the perpetrators. But then again you may suppose illegal aliens are 'subhumans' or more like 'children' in that they can't be held responsible for their choices (even if they are saying they are willfully choosing it you'd say they can't make that decision for themselves truly so it doesn't count).

>Trump construction projects and hotels have always employed undocumented workers.

Less than any other massive international business and never on purpose. Trump has one of the best companies in charge of worker's and they have a high rate of catching out illegals. In most of those cases the problems were expired documents (they had full and proper work visas but they'd expired or weren't renewed properly). but rarely did Trump's HR pro's catch contractors using blatantly illegal aliens knowingly.

He's simply applying those same standards as President.

Good news: in approx. 2 weeks Trump will, on his first day, give the order to police departments around the USA to capture and deport all known illegal aliens criminals. You will see around 10,000 deportations (cops know exactly where around 90% of them are as we speak).

Messages In This Thread
US Criminals -- Xinran -- 2016-12-03
Re US Criminals -- Davyhulme -- 2016-12-04
Re US Criminals -- Foxy -- 2016-12-04
Re US Criminals -- Xinran -- 2016-12-06
Re US Criminals -- Foxy -- 2016-12-06
Re US Criminals -- [poster] -- 2016-12-06
Re: Re US Criminals -- Curious -- 2016-12-06
Re: Re US Criminals -- BeenThere -- 2016-12-06
Re: Re US Criminals -- [poster] -- 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals -- BeenThere -- 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals -- Trump diplomacy -- 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals -- [poster] -- 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals -- BeenThere -- 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals -- [poster] -- 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals -- BeenThere -- 2016-12-07
Re: Re US Criminals -- Fifi -- 2016-12-07
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