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Curious - 2016-12-16

Silverboy, Foxy, Taffy: Mark my word. In 6 months, you will pretend that you were never elated by Trump's election. I will remind you that you and the people who voted for him, that you are morally responsible for the mess that is going to happen. You might not care - chances are you will not care, busy with wine and, some of you, women. But I will remind you.

Pax Americana is over. It had a good run. A Putin-Trump alliance at the service of the butcher Assad — combined with the undoing of the military alliances, trade pacts, political integration and legal framework of the postwar order — constitutes its death knell.

Maybe everything will work out fine with a nuclear South Korea, a nuclear Japan, Baltic States exposed to the whims of Putin, the United States Embassy moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a flimsy NATO abjured by America, and swaggering Texan oil men running things while Trump takes time off in New York.

Who knows? Markets think they do. They love Trump. That’s because Trump believes big guys should take everything and little guys should take nothing.
But wasn’t it the little guys who voted for Trump? That’s funny, really it is. Or as he would put it, “Sad.”
Messages In This Thread
Pax Americana Is Over -- Curious -- 2016-12-16
Fasten your seatbelt -- Curious -- 2016-12-17
Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Trump diplomacy -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- BeenThere -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Curious -- 2016-12-17
Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Foxy -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- BeenThere -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Foxy -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- BeenThere -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Trump diplomacy -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Curious -- 2016-12-17
Re: Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Curious -- 2016-12-17
Re Pax Americana Is Over -- Logician -- 2016-12-16
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