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Trump diplomacy - 2016-12-22

Immigration, especially by illegal refugees and "asylum" seekers is destroying
Western societies.

The wealthy elites in ALL Western societies are doing extraordinarily well. Their unprecedented, even worse than the 1920s, accumulation of capital is the cause of the diminished quality of life for everyone else.
Your belief that THE problem is immigration serves them well by protecting them from taxation and regulation while your elected officials entertain you with immigration and terrorism, the new 'bread and circuses'.
Australia's wealth is being siphoned off by these wealth elites, many of them Chinese investors and U.S. hedge fund owners.
You and your pals bashing Muslims in the pub are about to see your housing values being sucked dry by credit-default instruments, similar to what happened in the U.S. prior to 2008.

Messages In This Thread
Re an immigrant's shoulders -- Trump diplomacy -- 2016-12-22
Re: Re an immigrant's shoulders -- Curious -- 2016-12-22
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