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heretosay - 2017-01-31

I don't know why I'm even bothering with you other than that here it's late at night and I'm too tired to read and too lazy to drag myself off to bed..

I'm not TD. I'm heretosay and here to say that you're probably off your meds.

we can't be sure you didn't write this depressing story

It's a common sounding story, which I could have written; however, what makes it sad is that it is a common story. I didn't write it. I will, though, eventually be writing a similar story as a means of raising awareness, but said story will be a little more in depth and will show the tentacles of repercussions when a young girl's life is degraded in this manner.

You must be some genuine nightmare in real-life.

Yes, indeed, little children run and hide when they see me coming.........not.

That sort of
stuff is enough to make us all throw in the towel.

Wow, you speak for all posters here? President Woodbine Trump. Has a nice ring to it, actually.

You have gorn way over the top, beyond the pale in connecting him to all this as if he deals
in such misery.

You cannot be a little bit connected to such misery. In for a penny in for a pound. But no, really, I consider the Toddler to be too stupid to know what he's doing half of the time, so if you want to connect him to such misery, that's on you, dumb ass.

You have done it again, Trumpsey. It won't surprise me if this time
Turnoi does not come to your rescue. He might well support SB though, so be prepared.

Again, if you'll put your spectacles on, you'll see that I'm not Trumpsey - I'm heretosay and right now I'm here to say that I've been posting here on and off for more than 10 years - yes, since right after this board's inception, so I don't really need to be prepared for anything in the way of responses from Turnoi, who I respect despite our disagreements, and the Toddler who I totally disrespect because of our differences and our disagreements and because he's basically a low life human being.

And anyway TD, quite the clever poster, is far more diplomatic than I.

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Re the sad truth -- heretosay -- 2017-01-31
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