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Kadu - 2007-01-11

Thank you all for trying to help me with my question but I am afraid that I am still at a loss as to my original question. I have trid to gt a post back up here sooner but we have been without decent computer service here. Maybe people would be more willing to post comments if it were not people bickering at each other about comments that they have made. Boys, (I feel that these comment are from guys) this bickering turns people off and away from posting replies on forms like this. Please stop it! I fell that there is too much of it here. Anyways thanks for those who tried to help again.

Messages In This Thread
Sunny Sky - Teachers Discussion -- Kadu -- 2006-12-24
Re:Sunny English - Teachers Discussion -- Phillip -- 2006-12-25
Phillip re. avoidance - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-12-26
To KJ - Teachers Discussion -- Phillip -- 2006-12-26
Phillip re. avoidance2 - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-12-26
Sunny Sky - Teachers Discussion -- Kadu -- 2007-01-11
Response - Teachers Discussion -- Steve -- 2006-12-25
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