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BeenThere - 2017-04-24

Do you think that American English teachers overseas do well, as Suketu Mehta writes below?

Americans who work abroad do quite well; American pilots for Chinese airlines, for example, make $300,000 a year. All around the world, there are legions of Americans making a good living as engineers, corporate executives, English teachers.

The number of Americans working abroad has more than doubled in one generation:

Today, there are nine million American civilians living abroad — up from four million in 1999.

Yep, sections of the United States are now looking like postwar Europe:

The 20th century was the American century; the 21st, not so much. A young person in Denmark or New Zealand has a better quality of life than a young person in the United States. There you can go to college free, not have to worry about money when you’re sick, and enjoy two months’ vacation even if you’re only an intern. Partly this is due to the significant underinvestment by the government in education, health care and the arts, which has left sections of the United States looking like postwar Europe.

But American jobs are disappearing not because they’re moving to Mexico or China; it’s because they are increasingly being done by robots. What we need is not tariffs, but training.

Messages In This Thread
"Go East, Young American" -- BeenThere -- 2017-04-24
Re "Go East, Young American" -- FTinPRC -- 2017-04-24
Re "Go East, Young American" -- Silverboy -- 2017-04-24
Re "Go East, Young American" -- expat hubby -- 2017-04-24
Re "Go East, Young American" -- Mr Potato Gravy -- 2017-04-24
Re "Go East, Young American" -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-04-24
Re "Go East, Young American" -- Silverboy -- 2017-04-24
Re: Re "Go East, Young American" -- Fifi -- 2017-04-24
orangutans or gorillas? -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-04-25
Re "Go East, Young American" -- expat hubby -- 2017-04-24
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