View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?
Silverboy - 2017-05-01

This guy is in a spot of bother. If he has no house or savings back home he is in a bit of trouble. There are plenty of blokes like him, not just in China, in other parts of Asia also.

I am not sure, what can he do? Stay in China and teach English for the rest of his life? I respect your input, but not sure about this finding a wife idea. It could make things worse.

Unless she is already established and working with a high salary or retired and wealthy marriage is not an option for him. If he meets and marries an older wealthy Chinese woman he would be on easy street as long as he does not divorce later on, although he should get half her assets in theory from what I've heard.

Marrying a girl on a low salary is no use, she can't financially support him. He could do private tuition if married to a poor girl but that is not going to save him if needs to go back home in the future.

Self-funded super is the way to go if you are able to, that's what I do now. However, you need a regular income and some stabilty to do this.

This is the problem when people teach English for years in China or elsewhere and have nothing back home. Thailand and Philippines are cheaper than many places in China, but you need a regular income of some sort.

Messages In This Thread
Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- Mr.Smith -- 2017-04-30
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- Caring -- 2017-05-04
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- Caring -- 2017-05-04
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- Taffy -- 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- Caring -- 2017-05-04
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-04
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- Mike babsocks -- 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- Taffy -- 2017-05-01
Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home? -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-01
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Having worked much of my life in China, how can I retire at home?

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