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WR - 2017-05-22
In response to Re changing jobs and staying in China (Silverboy)

Maybe it is too much bother for you, however there are people here who have genuine issues and actually need help and advice. It is abundantly clear from your other posts that you dislike China, fair enough but perhaps if you didn't keep jumping on posts with nothing useful to say, save for derailing the topic into something to laugh about over a beer you might get more respect.

Anyway back to my problem. I said toned down words to those suggested and basically as the other foreigners who are leaving our school this year have also been told, it will be dealt with before gaokao which is 6th June. Seems there is nothing we can do about it. I will keep up the pressure.

I have also been advised by my intended school that they need the following documents to process a transfer, release letter, reference letter, official FEC cancellation notice, copy of previous foreign experts book, copy of authenticated degree (original required later), copy of passport, the list goes on. They have said that under the new rules they must have 28 days minimum remaining on the existing RP to transfer it otherwise the transfer may not go through in time. I also have to present myself at the new school and PSB at the final submission stage.

Let this be a warning to those intending to change schools, get all your stuff together and don't let your existing school be tardy. I am sure it is going to cause frustration and headaches for many others this summer.

Messages In This Thread
changing jobs and staying in China -- AlexW -- 2017-05-15
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-16
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- caring -- 2017-05-16
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- WR -- 2017-05-18
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-18
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- WR -- 2017-05-19
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-19
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- WR -- 2017-05-19
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-19
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-19
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- WR -- 2017-05-22
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-22
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-22
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- discerning_disector -- 2017-05-22
Re: Re changing jobs and staying in China -- Smartie -- 2017-05-22
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-20
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-20
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- Caring -- 2017-05-16
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