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Silverboy - 2017-05-24
In response to Re Mrs. Potato Gravy (Mr Potato Gravy)

What women like PR/FTC don't understand is that men make lifestyle choices, often regardless of wealth and perceived "status" in the West.

Yes, all white men in Bangkok are losers, the stereotype. They are there because they "can't get a woman in their own country". There are Australian men in Bangkok for example worth millions of dollars, beneficiaries of the economic boom in OZ from 2002-2009 who prefer to just bang 2000
rmb bar girls instead of marrying Thai gals.

Most men in Pattaya are divorced and often retired or semi-retired, they are not interested in serious relationships, certainly not marriage for fuck's sake!
Sure, a lot of them are old, bald, lazy and fat, but who gives a fuck? They are living the dream, and a lot of them have money to burn and have a good life by being SINGLE!
MGTOW's, and they fuckin' love it!

There is one Aussie in Pattaya with a net worth of over 100 million dollars who bangs 1300 rmb bar girls by night and feeds stray dogs by day.
I wonder how someone like FT in PRC can explain that?

This bloke is in late forties, fit, he could marry any woman he wants, but he chose to be an MGTOW and live in Pattaya.

I don't blame him. It is because white women in Western countries have nothing to offer white Western men these days.

Really, what can they offer us? Money? No, we can make lot's of money ourselves. Love? We don't need them for that either. Sex? Well, FUCK ME DEAD, Pattaya fucking wins hands down in that department!
Cooking? We can learn that ourselves if we want, and Thai gals are FIFTY TIMES better at both cooking and sex.

Messages In This Thread
MGTOW -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-20
Re MGTOW, another warning! -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-21
Re: Re MGTOW, another warning! -- Fifi -- 2017-05-21
Re: Re MGTOW, another warning! -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-21
Re MGTOW -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-21
Re: Re MGTOW -- BeenThere -- 2017-05-21
Re MGTOW -- Illegitimi non carborundum -- 2017-05-20
Re MGTOW -- Mr Potato Gravy -- 2017-05-23
Re MGTOW -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-23
Re MGTOW -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-23
Re MGTOW -- Mr Potato Gravy -- 2017-05-23
Mrs. Potato Gravy -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-23
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- Mr Potato Gravy -- 2017-05-24
Mr. Potato Head -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-24
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-24
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-24
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-25
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-25
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-05-25
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-24
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-23
Re: Re MGTOW -- Curious -- 2017-05-23
Re MGTOW -- Mike babsocks -- 2017-05-21
Re MGTOW -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-21
Re MGTOW -- heretosay -- 2017-05-22
girl friends -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-21
Re girl friends -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-21
Re girl friends -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-22
Re girl friends -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-22
Re girl friends -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-22
Re girl friends -- Illegitimi non carborundum -- 2017-05-22
Re girl friends -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-22
Re girl friends -- Illegitimi non carborundum -- 2017-05-22
fine and dandy -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-22
Re fine and dandy -- Illegitimi non carborundum -- 2017-05-22
Re: Re fine and dandy -- BeenThere -- 2017-05-22
Re: Re MGTOW -- Fifi -- 2017-05-21
Re: Re MGTOW -- Illegitimi non carborundum -- 2017-05-21
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