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Arthur - 2017-06-02
In response to Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt (taffy)

Taffy: Please have a look at the articles below, research more articles, ask doctors, and then also ask yourself if the frustration of not drinking will kill you earlier than 1 or 2 glasses a day:

1- Is it healthy to drink wine every night even after you’ve had a mild heart attack?
"French scientists evaluated 353 men who had recovered from a first heart attack. They observed them from within two months of the attack for about four years. During that time, men who averaged two drinks a day were 59 percent less likely to have additional cardiovascular events than the men who abstained from alcohol. Heavier drinking was less protective.
Providing further evidence, a 2010 analysis of more than 16,000 patients found that moderate drinking is safe and beneficial for people with cardiovascular disease."

2- Two glasses of wine a day could help heart attack patients live LONGER
Heart attack patients who drink wine are less likely to suffer another episode
Two glasses a day reduces risk of another 'event' by 13 per cent
For years, research has suggested a daily tipple of wine may help to prevent heart disease.
Now it seems it even has benefits for those who have already suffered a heart attack.
New research shows patients who have had a heart attack are less likely to have another one - and stand a better chance of living longer - if they enjoy wine in moderation, rather than abstaining.


3- Moderate Drinking Helps Men After Heart Attack?
Study: 1 or 2 Alcoholic Drinks a Day Boosts Longevity Among Some Men After Heart Attack
March 27, 2012 -- After a heart attack, men who continue to drink one or two alcoholic beverages a day may live longer than heavy drinkers or non-drinkers.
Those findings appear in the European Heart Journal.


4- From the British Heart Foundation: Heart conditions and alcohol
"Once you’ve recovered its fine for most people with a heart condition to drink alcohol within the recommended limits.

However, check with your doctor for advice on whether it is safe for you to drink alcohol and how much. If you have been diagnosed with certain conditions, such as some types of cardiomyopathy, it may be advisable for you to avoid drinking alcohol altogether."


There are dozens of articles.

Messages In This Thread
how to become skinny and gaunt -- taffy -- 2017-06-02
Re how to become skinny and gaunt -- taffy -- 2017-06-02
Re how to become skinny and gaunt -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-03
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt -- Fifi -- 2017-06-03
The Queen -- taffy -- 2017-06-03
Re: The Queen -- Fifi -- 2017-06-03
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt -- Fifi -- 2017-06-02
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt -- Arthur -- 2017-06-02
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt -- taffy -- 2017-06-02
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt -- Arthur -- 2017-06-02
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt -- taffy -- 2017-06-02
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt -- Arthur -- 2017-06-02
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt -- Fifi -- 2017-06-02
Re: Re how to become skinny and gaunt -- taffy -- 2017-06-02
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